A few faces of Etot. Now he's 10 months old
The first day Etot came to us, still young and scared but playfull.
Manja, she went missing a week after Aidilfitri 2009. We've loking for her everywhere & around the clock but not a single trace of her. She was very adorable and like to sit on my lap everytime when I watch TV.. I miss her dearly...I wonder where have you been and how you're doing..
Manja with her kids, Tom & Jerry. Jerry went missing when he was about 5 months old. Tom died a few days after this picture was taken. He was very weak for a couple of days and one day when I woke up in the morning, he was there lying on the floor. It was hard for me to take it and my tears dropped all the way to work that day..I wish i still remember the date..
Brownie, Winnie & Blacky
Have to let go the three of them for some reason..maybe wrong place and bad timing..I guess they have grown up now and alive, whenever they are..I still miss them
Hiroki (mean: abundance of joy in Japanese) but we just call him Oki
Moksin (geMOK yg biSINg)
Mokju (MOKsin JUnior)
Jeto (JUst like eTOt)
Juma (JUst like MAma)
Kiju (oKI JUnior)