Effective household uses for nail polish :
1. To preserve prescription labels : a simple way to preserve the label on medacation bottles is by coating it with a layer or two of clear nail polish. this process can also be applied to non-laminated registration cards.
2. To repair small dent in glass surfaces : carefully fill the hole with a drop of clear nail polish. let the solution dry and repeat the process until the hole is fully covered. Once the nail polish id perfectly dry, use a clean moist cloth to buff off any excess polish on the glass surface around the cavity.
3. To prevent rusting : to prevent the bottom of a can from rusting, coat it with two or three layers of clear nail polish. This method can also be done on nails, nuts, bolts and screw (especially when these items are employed outdoors).
4. Used as an indicator : use nail polish to mark the keys for wasy identification by using different color to demarcate the different sets.
5. To secure wobbly knobs : secure loose drawer and cabinet knobs by coating the screw section of the knob with few layers of clear nail polish before immediately reinserting the knob. If done properly, the knob should be tightly fastened once the nail polish is dry.
1 year ago
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