Off-beat uses for egg cartons :
1. Use as a storage vessel : it's a ideal storage for small items such as sewing paraphernalia(needle,buttons,pins etc), work parts (tacks,nuts,bolts, etc) or even for golf enthusiast, you can use the cardboard-pulp to segragate and store golf balls inside a golf bag. It is convenient for sorting and holding disassembled parts in sequence to facilitate easy reconstruction later.
2. Protect fragile ornaments : the egg carton is designed to absorb shock and minimise pressure on its contents and hence serves to effectively protect small and fragile ornaments.
3. Use to geminate seedlings : a) remove the lid from a cardboard-pulp egg carton b) incise a small hole at the bottom of each pocket and fill it up with potting soil. Pour water into each pocket until the water has drowned the soil and begins to collect at the top. Set the carton aside to drain overnight. c) plant a few seeds in each pocket and cover the carton with plastic wrap.Check daily and remove the plastic covering when the seeds have begun to sprout. d) once the seed have properly sprouted, cut the carton into individual compartments and plant them whole in a pot or garden.
4. Use as an ice cube tray : cut off the top portion from a polystyrene egg carton and thoroughly wash the two pieces before filing up the compartment with water.
5. Use as a bird feed vessel : a) discard the top portion of an egg carton. b) paint the bottom portion in your desired choice of colour using waterproof paint. After the paint has dried, punch a hole in each corner of the carton and thread equal lengths of string through each hole. c) fill each pocket with birdseed and hang the carton in a tree or at a designated area.
6. Use to reinforce garbage bags : spread open the empty carton and arrange it at the bottom of your garbage bag or bin liner. The carton acts as a makeshift sponge to minimise the seepage of residue through the bin liner.
1 year ago
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