Last weekend on 8-9 May 2010, kami berlima (Syarina, Kishan, Ida, Wan & of course me la) mencuba satu pengalaman baru. Tapi sebelum tu kami pun dapat kenalan baru (Fai & Zaza) di Penang. Diorang la yang tolong belikan tiket; tunggu we all sampai kt sana. We had lunch together at Kassim Mustafa. Apa lagi I ambik telur sotong la..lama betul tk makan..then we went sight seeing kt Fort Cornwalis sementara nak tunggu masa untuk check in kt kapal. Bergambar sana, berposing sini..we had fun.
Around 5pm, check in time..semua semangat je and tak sabar2 nak boarding. after all the security check we all pun lepak kt cabin masing2..freshen up sebelum sessi photography seterusnya. So, bila dah segar balik tu seronok la nak bergambar.posing all around the ship. Dapat tengok pemandangan Georgetown dan pelabuhan dari atas kapal sungguh menarik. Tapi agak kecewa sebab semasa sunset kapal masih belum bergerak so tk dapat nak ambil gambar sunset sebenarnya.
Dinner on board was good. Banyak pilihan makanan and yang paling I suka tu udangnya besar..puas la makan. Ada ikan, ayam, daging, kambing, tofu, pepahat da sebagainya lagi la..walaupun makanan tu halal tp I just took seafood, veggie, roti, dessert, fruits. Apapun itu pun dah kenyang betul rasanya. Masing2 puas hati la. Lepas dinner sessi bergambar again. Then we just lepak2 kt deck, ada kerusi malas kt situ..nice wind, nice conversation..Around midnite, masing2 pun dah letih so before masuk tidur, we make a quick tour inside the casino. Ramainya apek2 dan nyonya2 la..kelakar pulak tengok reaksi mereka. Went back to cabin, kinda having trouble to sleep. Bed was confortable but maybe sebab 1st time tidur situ so susah nak lena.Tapi bila dah dpt tidur bangun awal pun rasa segar.
Wake up early to watch the sunrise. Cepat2 naik kt deck ingatkan tk ramai orang tapi sebaliknya. The view was beautiful. Begitu agungnya ciptaan Tuhan. Lepas dah puas ambik gambar, we went back to cabin, take shower and went for breakfast. The meal was good, they serve nasi lemak, kuih-muih, western b/fast, cereal etc. Overall meal for both dinner & b/fast was awesome. I wonder why some other people say otherwise.
10 am, time to disembark, mix feeling as we had great time on board and rasa macam tk mau turun pun ada. Maybe next time can try the longer cruise trip provided we have a great companion macam kali ni jugak. so once dah turun, we went to buy some jeruk2, go for cendol, and makan2 pasembor, mee goreng & minum jus kedondong asam boi..Lega betul tekak ni..panas betul masa tu..
Kesempatan berada diPenang, I also went to find a long lost friend. It was hard finding her house but finally we manage to meet her personally. It was a touching moment and it was good to see her after a long while. She has 2 kids already, 1 girl & 1 boy, exactly like her. We exchange contact number & hopefully going forward, we'll keep in touch.
At noon we left Penang, heading south, we left behind our good cruising memories and hopefully will be coming back again for another adventure. We stopped by my sister's house at Ipoh for tea-break before continue our journey home. We reach KL in the evening, feeling tired but definately happy!!
1 year ago
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